Hospital & Insurance
It is a mandatory for all students studying in JSU to maintain a Medical Insurance. The insurance for one year costs 600 CNY and should be purchased along with payment of tuition fee in the beginning of every academic year.
Self-funded students, CIS, exchange students---covered by Pingan Insurance Co., Jiangsu branch.
CSC students---covered by Pingan Insurance Co., Beijing branch.
Procedure for Reimbursement of a Medi-claim
Students should purchase acomprehensive insurance (<<<<download the document>>>>, including accident medical insurance, hospitalization expenses, accident deformity, death insurance, etc. Self-supporting students who enjoy tuition fee discount and university exchange students shall pay for insurance by themselves.
In order to protect your insurance interests, please take good care of all the documents, receipts, papers, etc. involved. When making a medical insurance claim, students shall provide complete documents, including:
i) Photo copies---passport, certificate of doctor's dagnosis or certificate of accident, insurance policy(to be prepared by OEC), both sides of your bank deposit card.
ii) Original documents---receipts, hospital's summery(for in-patient), list of medicine consumed(for in-patient), bank-issued account information or bank slip(showing your name and account number into which the insurance company will pay back the money).
iii) Additional document---if it belongs to accidental insurance type, you have to write and describe the accident by yourself, and ask your class teacher to sign, and then ask Ms Wang at OEC office to stamp for you.
<<<<<<Service Manual of Comprehensive Insurance>>>>>>>>
Medical Service Information
Zhenjiang is a city with rich medical resources. The following are some major hospitals:
Affiliated Hospital of Jiangsu University (Jiang Bin Hospital ).
There are English speaking nurses, doctors in the hospital.
Phone: 0511-85026079
Name and Address in Chinese:
江( jiāng)苏(sū)省(shěng)镇(zhèn)江(jiāng)市(shì)解(jiě)放(fàng)路(lù)438号(hào), 江(jiāng)苏(sū)大(dà)学(xué)附(fù)属(shǔ)医(yī)院(yuàn)(江(jiāng) 滨 (bīn)医( yī)院( yuàn))
Take Bus No.14 from No.1 Gate of Guyang Road,get off at Jiangbinyiyuan (江滨医院) station
Take Bus No.29 from No.1 Gate of Xuefu Road, get off atJiangbinyiyuan (江滨医院) station
Taxi costs about CNY 20
No. 1 People’s Hospital
There are English speaking nurses, doctors in the hospital.
Phone: 0511-85231018
Name and Address in Chinese:
江( jiāng)苏(sū)省(shěng)镇(zhèn)江(jiāng)市(shì)电(diàn)力(lì)路(lù)8号(hào) , 镇(zhèn)江(jiāng)市(shì)第(dì)一(yī)人(rén)民(mín)医(yī)院(yuàn)
Take Bus No.81from No.1 Gate of Guyang Road,get off at Zhongshanqiao (中山桥) station
Take Bus No.38 from No.1 Gate of Xuefu Road,get off at zhenjiangshidiyirenminyiyuan (镇江市第一人民医院) station
Taxi costs about CNY 25
Contact Us
08:30-11:30 | 14:00-17:00
Admissions Office: +86-511-88792366
Students' Affairs: +86-511-88792566
Teaching Affairs: +86-511-88792216
No. 301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu P.R. China 212013