ࡱ> W RbjbjBii(%8lBD/Gd " !.!! F F F F F F F$IILNDF!!!!!DF Fa)a)a)!   Fa)!Fa)a):+,+ pУhC&6+ FF0/G+ L'(L+L+<!!a)!!!!!DFDF(!!!/G!!!!L!!!!!!!!!b P: l_UxX NNf[MOxvzuW{QeHh Master in Law Nx : 0351 Discipline code:0351 N0f[yiQNxvzeT _lς'Yf[lf[b gl_UxXNNf[MOxvzuyv yve(WW{QnN-NV~Nm>yON_NRvsQv0wQ g:_l_LNR0ؚLN }{Qv[RW0ؚB\!kl_NMb0yv:N$Nt^6Rvecyv f[`N͑p:N-NVlFUNl_NSVE~Nml0yv zSbNt^v!hQc Te_NmvNNt^vl_[Tf[MOeQ\O0_lς'Yf[l_UxXNNf[MOyv\:NwmYf[ucON*Nq`cc-NVl_6R^T-NVeSvgsO_0 Discipline overview and research directions The School of Law offers Master in Law. It aims to foster the potential advanced specialists who can meet the needs of China as well as other countries. The Master Degree Program in Law focuses on: Chinese Law, Civil law, Business law, Administrative law, Criminal law, Foreign law, Legal institution of countries with Common Law tradition, Legal institution of countries with Civil Law tradition, International Economic Law. N0W{Qvh f[MOe(W\f[uW{Qb:NwQY(Wlf[NNWcQv^_U\ReWxvzRT^(uRvؚ~l_NNNMb0:NbW{Q;`vh f[u_{(W$Nt^f[`NǏ z-N[bN NNR 1.{QbcknxvNu‰NNyOTV[KNvvN \͑0t㉌TV~-NS%c\O(u0 2.brVccl_WW,gt0NNwƋ0[b m;Rm`NNSU\ۏ zNxvzMRl wQYyxeQ\ORwQY(WNNW-NNSl_vsQW_U\Yef[0xTyxvR m;RNl_WvsQt0bNSel [NNNbyf[vl_xvzelb_bev0 Training objectives Goal of the major is to improve the student s ability to initiate and carry out a novel research project in the areas relevant to Chinese Law, Foreign Law or International law, aiming to make the student the expert in one field of the law. In order to achieve the goal of achieve the goal of this major, following objectives are to be accomplished by the time the candidate completes the 2 years courses. A. With correct outlook on life and values, good moral character, strict style of study, strong sense of enterprise and pioneering spirit. The consciousness, knowledge, attitude and skills of tolerance, cognition and adaptation to cultural diversity, and be able to play a role in mutual respect, understanding and solidarity among different peoples, societies and countries. B. With firm grasp of the basis theory of law, professional knowledge and practical skill, professional development and frontiers; being competent of reading and writing studying papers; with the ability to independently carry out scientific research work, being competent in the specialized field of teaching, research, and law-related enterprise survey; with a better understand of the theories, techniques, and methods in the field of Chinese Law, Foreign Law and International Law. N0W{Qe_0f[`Nt^PSf[RBl f[6R$Nt^0f[`Nt^P$Nt^0RNt^0l_UxXf[u_{S_23*Nf[R vQ-Nf[MO N\N15*Nf[R0SY[b[ z:N9*Nf[R08^(W,{Nt^[b23*Nf[R0iRYONt^:Nl_[0[beۏLeT{ve0 W{Qe_l͑HhOYef[0[~ W{Qf[utT|[E0㉳Q[El_vR Ǐ zYef[0[_Os~Tf[MOedQ R:_f[ul_LN&OtTLNRvW{Q0 Training modes and the duration of study. Credit requirements The term of studying is two to five years. The graduate students for master in laws are required to accomplish at least 23 course credits which should be earned from the courses you will take, and the credits for degree courses should be more than 15, The completion of 23 credits-courses is usually within one year, while the additional 1 year is used to complete the dissertation research and oral examination of the thesis. In addition, 9 credits are required to complete the practical course. Training methods: case teaching and practical training, cultivate students' ability to integrate theory with practice and solve practical legal problems, and strengthen the cultivation of students' legal professional ethics and professional ability through curriculum teaching, practical mandatory training and degree thesis writing. V0 zf[R Curriculum Course Category z{|+RCourse Name z TyCredit f[RTerm f[g(Spring/Autumn)School by which Courses opened _f[btype of the course z'`(Remark YlDegree courses f[MOPublic degree course lQqQf[MOIntegrated Chinese ~TIl4AutumnLanguage & Culture Center eS-N_Compulsory _OOverview of China -NViQ3AutumnOECBasic Theory Course W@xt-NVl[ Introduction to Chinese Law2Autumnlf[b Law SchoolhQe z English taught courseAt least 4 credits \4f[Rll Civil Law2Autumnlf[b Law SchoolhQe z English taught courseRl General Part of Criminal Law2Autumnlf[b Law SchoolhQe z English taught courseCore Specialized Degree Courses 8h_NNf[MOT Tl Contract Law2Springlf[b Law SchoolhQe z English taught courseAt least4 credits \4f[R-NVFUl Chinese Commercial Law2Springlf[b Law SchoolhQe z English taught courseVE~Nml International Economic Law2Springlf[b Law SchoolhQe z English taught courseNon-degree course ^f[MOSpecialized Elective Courses NN O"Nl Real Property Law2Springlf[b Law SchoolS z Bilingual courseAt least 8 credits \8f[R z^l Procedure Law2Springlf[b Law SchoolS z Bilingual coursewƋNCgl Intellectual property law2Springlf[b Law SchoolS z Bilingual courseRRl Labor Law2Springlf[b Law SchoolS z Bilingual coursekl Comparative Law2Springlf[b Law SchoolS z Bilingual course~Nml Economic law2Autumnlf[b Law SchoolS z Bilingual courseOCgl Tort Law2Springlf[b Law SchoolS z Bilingual coursePublic Elective Courses lQqQ OAll graduate programs in all disciplines throughout the school hQ!h@b gf[yvhQxvzu zOptional N  N0[f[RBl 1.f[/g;mR2f[R xvzu_{SR10!kN Nf[/gbJT;mR Sbf[!h~~v f[/gS_ĉ^ TVQYw TN[f[vN^0f[/gbJT0xvzu[WI{f[/gx;mR0 2.Nx1f[R xvzu(Wf[g_{(Wf[yVQlQ_ۏL N_\N1!kve.sxNAm0f[/gxvzۏU\GlbTNxGlb !P[xvzuf[yx0 ;mRT_{b_b[tevf[/gbJT 1uf[yb[^#8h0 3.[s6f[R xvzuSNNNYef[[ Q[SbSl:gg[`N HhORgbJTdQ N N]\OQ[[be(W6*Ng]S0[Ǐ z\1uN^ۏLċN xvzu Te؏SRxONSN[[W YgSv݋؏SN>yOg;mR0wQSO 0_lς'Yf[lf[blf[NN[Yef[W{QeHh 0 0 Practice credit requirements Graduate students are required to participate in the professional teaching practice, including the guidance of undergraduate learning, writing case analysis reports and homework to complete at least 60-70 hours of work. (2 credits)The practice process will be reviewed by the teachers in charge of teaching. The graduate students are also required to attend related seminars and experts forum (2 credit), and if possible, to participate in social investigation, including 6 months of judicial practice (6 credits). mQ0f[MOeNf[MOcN f[MOe/faϑxvzuW{Q(ϑTf[/g4ls^v;Nh_0l_UxXf[MOeb__:NHhOxvzWeb[xvzWe0eQ\O^ gEQRve ޏ~beQ]\Ove N^\N3*Ng ^~Ǐ 0_0Q\O0R?z0[?zI{Q*N6k0eQ\O^S_ĉ eW[pe^(W20000W[N N0 xvzv[xvz;NۏL{NfpfNwQSOvib h^S_/fxvzQ[v8h_;`~0 xvzvhe^[xvzNRۏLnpf[teNwQ g;'`v0 xvz~] gxvzNU\g [N_xvzۏL{USvib 'Yϑ_(u͑vTgeve.s fgevxvzۏU\NSvQNNN_{vOo`0ُRQ[/f[]Shvf[/gbgۏL;`~'`V~0 xvzel ^S_~cQyvvsQvxvzel0YgmS0Rtxvz R_{[W,g!jWۏLc0YgmS0R[xvz Rv^lfvsQvpencegn0 Se.sRQNxvzvsQgeg͑vSe.s0 Dissertation and degree requirements The thesis is the main symbol to measure the quality and academic level of gradua  ".04<>DFHPRrz|̾~xeT>+5KHOJQJ^JaJfHo(q 5CJKHPJfHq $5CJKHPJQJfHq 5CJo(5B*CJ\o(ph5B*CJ\ph5B*CJ$aJ$ph5CJ5>*B*CJ$aJ$phh;Z5B*CJ$aJ$o(phh;Z5B*CJ$aJ$ph5B*CJ$aJ$o(phKHB*CJ\aJph>*B*CJ\aJph>*B*CJ\aJo(ph">R| r rD<>@ WD`gd;ZWD` dhG$H$WD`$  $dh1$G$H$UDXD2]$a$ $  $1$UDVD WD{XD2]$^`a$$a$   n p r   , . 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"5' v0'44 laf4T((((((d)f)|)~)))*,*.*D*F*L+N+++,A,I,V,,,,,,,,,:->-L-N-W-]-j-------------KHPJaJh 5\aJ 5\aJo(aJo(aJ'5CJKHPJ\aJ fHq +KHOJQJ\^JaJfHo(q 5CJKHPJh5CJKHPJQJh$5CJKHPJQJfHq 3((f)~)).*F*N++------./j//Z00$ & Fdh1$G$H$`a$$dh1$G$H$`a$ dh1$7$8$G$H$$dhx1$G$H$XD2a$ dhG$H$WD`-...///h/j///X0Z00011\1^12HJLN֗ؗ̚ "$vx^` ïÖÖÖKHPJaJhaJ 5aJo(5aJ\aJU \aJo('5CJKHPJ\aJ fHq aJo( 5CJKHPJfHq $5CJKHPJQJfHq '5CJKHPJQJfHo(q 301^1JLؗ$x`X$dh1$G$H$WD`a$ dh1$7$8$G$H$dhG$H$ dhG$H$WD`$dhx1$G$H$XD2a$$ & Fdh1$G$H$`a$te students. The form of the thesis should be case study or empirical research. The students should have sufficient time to work on dissertation. The working time should not be less than 3 months, and should go through several stages, such as selecting topics, opening questions, writing, first draft, final draft, etc. The dissertation should be standardized, and the number of words of the paper should be 20000 words. Guide for thesis and dissertation research proposal and plan of study TITLE: A brief, clear, specific designation of the subject of the research. The title, used by itself, should give a good indication of the project. OBJECTIVES: A clear, complete, and logically arranged statement of specific objectives of the project. If several objectives are proposed, they must be closely related. List them as 1, 2, 3, etc. JUSTIFICATION: Should present the motivation and importance of the research. PREVIOUS WORK AND PRESENT OUTLOOK: A brief summary covering pertinent previous research on the problem, citing important and recent publications, the status of current research, and additional information needed, to which the project is expected to contribute. This review will help to determine work already accomplished. PROCEDURE: A statement of essential work plans and methods to be used to attain each of the stated objectives. The procedure should correspond with objectives, and follow the same order. Phases of the work to be undertaken should be designated. RESEARCH METHOD: should specify the research method of the project, if the theoretical analysis is conducted, the basic model description should be given, if the empirical study is conducted, the possible source of data should be indicated. PROBABLE DURATION: An estimate of the maximum time likely to be required to complete research and publish results. LITERATURE CITED: List important and recent publications involving this field of work. kQ0vQNBl xvzu_{,{Nf[g~_gNMR_YeQ\O]\O (W,{ Nf[g+g\O[eQ\O_U\-Nghg;mR0vQYOlaNyS_lς'Yf[wmYf[b0xvzublQJT0(W,{Nf[g+g xvzu{(W,{Nf[g+gTc[YXTOcNxvz3ufNNf[`NR Te؏9hncxvzuW{QR[b znUS Te1uxvzu,gN3uBlc[YXTO[vQxvzۏLN!kO0 xvzu(Wf[g^ygdQf[/ge SN[vyxbg wQSOBl 0_lς'Yf[sQNxvzu(Wf[gShf[/gevĉ[ 0TTf[bf[MOċ[RYXTOvvsQBl0 Other Requirements Graduate students are required to initiate their thesis study projects prior to the end of the second semester. The medium-term examination for thesis study is scheduled at the end of third semester. Other following important schedules relevant to your graduate study could be found from the Overseas Education College (OEC) at Jiangsu University. In general, a Master s student is required to have a research proposal and a plan of study accepted by his or her Graduate Advisory Committee by the end of the second semester of study. A list of completed courses and those proposed to meet school requirements should also be prepared. A meeting of the Advisory Committee should be convened by the student to discuss his/her proposal and course work. D0v;N~xQW\OTNNf[/gg RvU_ Appendix: Catalogue of professional journals to be read N0;N~xQW\O Main Classic works 1 Hart, H. L. A. The Concept of Law. OUP Oxford, 2012. 2 Zhang, Mo. Chinese Contract Law: Theory and Practice. BRILL, 2006. . 3 Li, Xiang, and Jigang Jin. Concise Chinese Tort Laws. Vol. 1. Springer, 2014. 4 Zweigert, Konrad, and Hein Ktz. Introduction to comparative law. Oxford University Press, USA, 1992. 5 Zhang, Xiaoyang. Chinese Civil Law for Business. Open University of Hong Kong Press, 2013. 6 Bu, Yuanshi, ed. Chinese Civil Law: A Handbook. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013. 7 Honnold, John, and Harry M. Flechtner. Uniform law for international sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention. Kluwer law international, 2009 N0;NYeNNf[/gg R Major foreign academic journals Chinese Law & Government International & Comparative Law Quarterly American Journal of Comparative Law Tulane Law Review Harvard Law Review Law and Philosophy. California Law Review American Business Law Journal. American Journal of Criminal Justice Ecology Law Quarterly.     PAGE  PAGE 6 VX"$ΫЫԫ֫>@DFάЬԬ֬prvxBDHJΰа*,\ϻӱ黻黻黻aJB*PJaJphKHPJaJhKHPJaJho('5CJKHPJ\aJ fHq aJo(5CJKHPJh5CJKHPJQJh+5CJKHPJQJ\aJ fHq >$Ы@ЬrDа,^Dl & FdhG$H$` dhG$H$WD` dh1$7$8$G$H$dh1$7$8$G$H$WD`\^BDhjlҲԲֲ JLNPRTVXZ\^`bdfhjvxz|~Ϳ0JmHnHsHtH0J jUhvjhvUhvB*^JaJphCJo(CJPJ\aJo( PJ\aJ3lֲ NPTVZ\`bfhz|~h]h&`#$$$$dhx1$XDa$ & FdhG$H$`@ 00P12P. 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