ࡱ> \_YZ[Y R8bjbj[[LX9 \9 \'S&^^8- )!=D#6K$"m$m$m$%.%% TVVVVVV$7Tz}%%%%%zm$m$4:::% m$m$T:%T::^Lܻm$M[s3*$h@ 0=P4Cܻܻ$H%%:%%%%%zzc9x%%%=%%%%C%%%%%%%%%^I : z/gUxX NNf[MOxvzuW{QeHh Professional degree program in Master of Fine Arts Nx : 1351 Discipline code:1351 N0f[yiQNxvzeT _lς'Yf[z/gUxXz-NV~;uz/g0-NVfNlz/g0ƉɉNOo`0sXNlQqQz/g0]N0peW[ZSOmQ*NxvzeT0W{QǏ z-NzQNNyrp N[:N;Nv^|Q~z/gtSQ(W }(vW{Q Yef[bg:_R\O[ e(WW{Qz/gR\OWvؚB\!k^(uWN蕺NMb0bbYef[T[ehQb N-N_[[T]\OJW M gz/gf[bNNe.sDe[ :NxvzuW{Q`Y[NZW[vir(W@x0 `!.Discipline overview and research directions The Master s degree program in fine arts of Jiangsu University sets up six research directions for Chinese Painting, Chinese Calligraphy, Visual and Information Design, Environmental and Public Art Design, Industrial Design and Digital Media Design. Cultivating a professional characteristics is the mainstay of Art School, Hence the pivot of creativity and artistic inner qualities are taken into account as innovation and creativity are the bench mark of the department. The teaching achievement emphasizes on creative practice and aims at cultivating a high-level of applied special talents in the field of art creation. With central laboratories and workshops, professional literature rooms and experimental facilities, college of Art have a comprehensive laid solid material foundation to enhance postgraduate education to the international standards. N0W{Qvh W{QwQ g|~z/gNNwƋTؚ4ls^z/g[bR wQ g:_vhRgT㉳QRvNMb0Yc~sQl,gf[yVQYMRlRTSU\R` ^>yO0~Nm0eSSU\v Y܀NUSMO0b!h0xvzS?e^I{@bv/gNz/g[0{t0Yef[0z/g;mRV{RT~~I{]\OvؚB\!k^(uWN蕺NMb0 a!. Training objectives The purpose is to train elites with art design practice skills on a high level of artistic design practice, the strong ability to express, analyze and solve problems. Those elites can continue to pay attention to the developmental trends at the forefront of the discipline at home and abroad. They can meet the needs of social, economic and cultural development. They can become a high-level application of specialized personnel who are capable of design units, institutions, research and government departments such as art and art design practice, management, teaching, art design activities planning and organization. N0W{Qe_Sf[`Nt^P 1.UxXxvzuW{QN[^#6R:NW,ge_ UxXxvzueQf[TsSۏL^uSTN nx[[^0(W[^vc[ N6R[xvz0|~ۏLc N OXYef[N>yOx[v~T0txvzN*N'`R\Ov~T0 2. zn NN[E^(u:N[T NLNBl:Nvh N~T }{QT^(uwƋNRvcؚ:N8h_0 znR:Nf[MOlQqQ0NN_O0NN OTNN[4'Y!jWW0W{QǏ zzQNNyrp l͑[Ye0UxXxvzu(Wf[g^(W[^vc[ N gR gvvvSR>yO[;mR ygbcz/g[v:gO0f[bNRVY'Yf[ gNAmT\Os^S v^^zNTTW{Q:g6R bR&{TagNvf[uSRNAmf[`Nyv v^_v^vf[`NNAmf0 3.Of[t^P N\N3t^S+T3t^ g NǏ5t^0 b!. Training modes and the duration of study 1.The basic way of master graduate training is the tutor-responsible system. After postgraduate students enroll in school, students should finish the bidirectional mutual selection to choose the mentor. Under the guidance of the instructor, graduates should complete the research topics, the system to explore, which can combine classroom teaching and social research practice, theoretical research and personality creation. 2.Curriculum provision should be oriented by practical application, aimed at occupational demandand centered by comprehensive quality, application of knowledge and ability to improve. The course set is divided into four major modules: degreepubliccourses, major compulsorycourses, professional elective courses and professional practice. The training process highlights the professional characteristics and focuses on practical education. Postgraduates during school time should be under the guidance of an assigned instructor to have a planned purpose to participate in social practiceactivities and to actively grasp the opportunity of artistic practice. Our college has cooperative exchange platform with some foreign universities and a joint training mechanism has been established. Part of eligible students can be selected to participate in exchange learning projects, and get the appropriate proof of the exchange of learningcommunication. 3. Study duration is at least 3 years (including 3 years),not more than5 years. V0 zf[R IV. Course credits 1.f[RBl  = 1 \* roman i.Credit requirements z;`f[R NNON 30 f[R vQ-Nf[MO N\N 15 f[R O N\N 15 f[R0 The total credits of the course shall be no less than 30 credits, including no less than 15 credits for degree courses and no less than 15 credits for elective courses. 2. zn  = 2 \* roman ii.Curriculum Course Category z{|+RCourse Name z TyCredit f[RTerm f[g(Spring/Autumn)School by which Courses opened _f[btype of the course z'`(Remark YlDegree courses f[MOPublic degree course lQqQf[MOIntegrated Chinese ~TIl4S/ALanguage & Culture Center eS-N_Bilingual SCompulsory _OOverview of China -NViQ3AOECBilingual SBasic Theory Course W@xtArt History Studies z/gSxvz2ASchool of Art z/gf[bBilingual SAt least 5 credits \5f[RArt Theory and Research Method z/gtSelxvz3ASchool of Art z/gf[bBilingual SPsychology in Art z/g_tf[2ASchool of Art z/gf[bBilingual SCore Specialized Degree Courses 8h_NNf[MOChinese Folk Arts -NVlz/g3ASchool of Art z/gf[bBilingual SCompulsory _ONon-degree course ^f[MOSpecialized Elective Courses NN OMedia Art and Creative Industry Services ZSOz/gNRaNN gR2S/ASchool of Art z/gf[bExperiment platformCompulsory _OArt styles and genres z/gΘm2S/ASchool of Art z/gf[bFrontier lectureResearch and Writing on Literature of Artistics z/ge.sxNQ\O3ASchool of Art z/gf[bBilingual Study on the Techniques of Famous Chinese Painters V;u T[blx`N3SA Study on the Art of Chinese Painting -NV~;uz/gNxvz School of Art z/gf[bBilingual Choose 1 module for 6 credits N*N!jWW6f[R Choose 1 module for 6 credits N*N!jWW6f[RResearch on The Creation of Chinese Painting -NV;uR\Oxvz3SBilingualSpecial research on Calligraphy and Traditional Culture fNlN O~eSNxvz3SA Study on the Art of Calligraphy in China -NVfNlz/gNxvz School of Art z/gf[bBilingualResearch and practice of calligraphy master technique fNl T[blx`N3SLandscape ecological planning practice of‰u`ĉR[3SStudy on the Design of Human Settlements in China -NVNE\sXxvz School of Art z/gf[bBilingualResearch of Urban and Architectural Heritage Conservation and Design W^N^Q{WNObNxvz3SBilingualThe Research on Chinese Traditional Design Theory and its Modern Application -NV O~ irtvsN^(uxvz3SResearch on the Modern Application of Chinese Traditional Creation Theory -NV O~ irtvsN^(uxvz School of Art z/gf[bBilingualPractical Application of Chinese Traditional Design Theory -NV O~ irtvsN^(u[3SBilingualIP Communication and digital consumption IP OdNpeW[Sm9 3SResearch on Digital Media and Cultural Inheritance peW[ZSONeS Obxvz School of Art z/gf[bBilingualDigital Interaction Design peW[NN3SBilingualCreative Design of Folk Art lz/gRe^U\xvz3SVisual Thinking and Creative Practice Ɖɉ`~NRa[ School of Art z/gf[bBilingualVisual Thinking and Creative Practice Ɖɉz/g`~NRa[3SBilingualPublic Elective Courses lQqQ OAll graduate programs in all disciplines throughout the school hQ!h@b gf[yvhQxvzu zAt least 2 credits \2f[RNote: Please specify the type of the course { English taught course, bilingual course, cutting-edge lecture or experimental course} z'`(-Nfnx/fhQe z0S z0MRl^b[s^S zI{ N0bU\f[RBl V. Extended credit requirements eBl No demands mQ0[f[RBle" 20f[R e!. Practice credit requirements(e" 20 credits) xvzu(Wf[g_{SNvf[/g;mRT_Os T7hǑSf[R6R ~y:N[f[R0[f[RT zf[R N_(u xvzuv zf[RT[f[RGWnBlTeSۏeQf[MOe[T{s0 Graduate students must participate in the academic activities and compulsory links during the same credit system, collectively referred to as practice credits. Practice credits and courses credits are not common. Graduate student credits and practical credits are required to meet the requirements before they can enter the degree thesis to reply to the dissertation defense link. 1.f[/g;mRe"2f[R xvzu_{SRf[!h~~v f[/gS_ĉ^ TVQYw TN[f[vN^0f[/gbJT0xvzu[WI{f[/gx;mR SRf[/gx;mRT_{b_b[tevf[/gbJT0UxXxvzu(Wg^SR10!kN Nf[/gbJT;mR0f[/g;mR1uf[yb[^#8h0 Te :Nb[xvzuvf[/gƉΑ f[!hRxvzu(Wf[gSRVEObhQV'`ؚB\!kf[/gOv^(W'YO N[,gNvf[/gev^NAmS0xvzu(WVEObhQV'`ؚB\!kf[/gO N[f[/geSƉ TvQf[/g;mRsTNRv^\OTvR\OU\N!k0z/g[R\OvbgϑS peϑN:\[Blh10  = 4 \* roman iv.Practice links (e"17 credits)  = 1 \* GB3 `$ Postgraduates should participate in the exhibition practice links for at least 2 times such as design competition activities or design projects (4 credits), summing up the results of practical activities and the exhibition organized by the organization;  = 2 \* GB3 a$ Postgraduates should participate in art tours for more than two times (4 credits), including the museum inspection , folk art survey, art and design exhibition observation, the study report submission; b$ The artist's practice under the guidance of professional direction (6 credits). Postgraduates should carry out independent original artistic creation or management planning activities under the direction of the professional direction instructor and publish the creation exhibition of the corresponding works in the third semester. The results of the artistic practice are quantified, and the quantity and size requirements are shown in Table 1. h1 z/g[R\OvbgBl NNeTpeϑQ[ :\[vQN-NV;uR\O\OT3^5E^ N\N4:\[_beeTb__`N\O15E^ :\[ NPfNlR\O\OT5^7E^ N\N4:\[_beeTb__`N\O15E^ :\[ NPƉɉNOo`R\ONgN;NvsQv|R\OT N\N8N \OTb_`S:NN~0 N~S~Tb_`sXNlQqQz/gR\ONgN;NvsQv|R\OT N\N8N \OTb_` NP]NR\ONgN;NvsQv|R\OT N\N5N \OTb_` NPpeW[ZSOR\ONgN;NvsQv|R\OT N\N2WY \OTb_` NPTable 1 The Requirements of the Achievement of Artistic Creation MajorQuantityContents SizeOthersChinese Painting3-5 creative worksNot less than 4 feet away or bucket side15 various forms of works. Size is not limitedCalligraphy5-7 creative worksNot less than 4 feet away or bucket side15 various forms of works. Size is not limitedVisual and Information Designa series of creative works related to a topic (no less than 8 pieces)Works can be two-dimensional, three-dimensional and comprehensive formEnvironment and Public Art Designa series of creative works related to a topic (no less than 8 pieces)The form is not limitedIndustrial Designa series of creative works related to a topic (no less than 5 pieces)The form is not limitedDigital Media Designa series of creative works related to a topic (no less than 2 sets)The form is not limited lR(WgSRTyz[SU\ȉ VYS_v^f[R0V[~SN NU\ȉhQVOS0eT0eSTTbUSr>NR (6f[R 0w~U\ȉwOS0eT0eSSTTbUSr>NR 3f[R S^~U\ȉ0W~^OS0eT0eSSTTbUSr>NR 1f[R 0VYf[RSN U\o[s ۏLf[Rfbc0 Note: The participation in various design competitions and exhibitions during the reading period is encouraged and the corresponding credits can be achieved. National and above exhibitions (National Association of Fine Arts, Federation  "`uk_F0hthK#5CJKHPJQJfHq hth*5CJo(hth0dR5CJhth*5CJ\o(hthK#5CJ\hthK#5CJ$aJ$hthK#5CJhth*5>*CJ$aJ$o(hU+chU+c5>*CJ$aJ$hthh5CJ$aJ$hthK#KHhthhCJ\aJhthh>*CJ\aJhth*>*CJ\aJo("J Zhr WD`gd@ WD`gd*1gdv#$  $1$UDVD WD{XD2]$^`a$gdv WD`gdv'$  $1$UDVD WD{XD2YD2]$^`a$gdv$a$gdK#gdK#H J N  XZfhƺ{qXݺNEX=hth@o(hthK#aJhthv5CJ0hthK#5CJKHPJQJfHq hth*5aJhth*aJo(hth*aJ)hm5CJKHPJfHo(q ,hthK#5CJKHPJfHq hthv5CJo(,hth*5CJKHPJfHq hth*o(3hthK#5CJKHPJQJfHo(q *, "ŮŮŤqZ,hth5+5CJKHPJfHq 0hthK#5CJKHPJQJfHq haSaJo(hth@aJo(hth@aJhthvaJo(,hth0dR5CJKHPJfHq ,hthK#5CJKHPJfHq hthv5CJhthv5CJo(hth@o( h+#o(r*36Db d r $d$9DH$Ifa$gds $d1$a$gdK#$d1$WD`a$gdK# $d1$a$gd5+1gdv'$  $1$UDVD WD{XD2YD2]$^`a$gdv WD`gd@"$&0268:BDFH`bɲxY?#?6hth%5CJKHPJ\aJ fHo(q 3hth%5CJKHPJ\aJ fHq <jhth%5CJKHPJU\aJ fHq 7hth5+5CJKHPJQJ\aJ fHq :hthv5CJKHPJQJ\aJ fHo(q ,hth5+5CJKHPJfHq 6hth5+5CJKHPJ\aJ fHo(q 3hth5+5CJKHPJ\aJ fHq bdfhjlnp b ᥋{tj{W{Mj{hthSExaJo(%hthK#KHaJfHq hth@aJo( h~aJo( h+#aJo(hthK#aJ3hth5+5CJKHPJ\aJ fHq 6hth%5CJKHPJ\aJ fHo(q >hth%5CJKHPJ\aJ fHmHnHq u<jhth%5CJKHPJU\aJ fHq b d f h p r t v ʬqW;Wq6hth%5CJKHPJ\aJ fHo(q 3hth%5CJKHPJ\aJ fHq <jhth%5CJKHPJU\aJ fHq 7hthK#5CJKHPJQJ\aJ fHq :hthv5CJKHPJQJ\aJ fHo(q 3hthK#5CJKHPJ\aJ fHq 6hth1I5CJKHPJ\aJ fHo(q !! !>!@!!!!*"xlblblblTblJ>4hth|5aJhth|5KHaJhtht5aJhths5KHaJo(hths5aJhths5KHaJ%hthK#KHaJfHq 3hthK#5CJKHPJ\aJ fHq 6hth%5CJKHPJ\aJ fHo(q <jhth%5CJKHPJU\aJ fHq >hth%5CJKHPJ\aJ fHmHnHq u !!!@!`!~!!!!!!$d$9DH$Ifa$gds !!kd$$IfTl֞kfYY"'1N t0O(44 laytzT!!!"*"P"Z"^"f""""""""""$$9DH$IfWD`a$gd`mFf$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd_$$9DH$Ifa$gd`m*"^"d"""""""""""##"#4#6#:#<#>#@#B#v###########$$$$$$&$($*$䨡䑅ynhthtKHaJhth>I|KHaJo(hth%KHaJo(hth>I|KHaJ hH$o( hH$hH$hth>I|5aJhth|5aJhthtaJhth|KHaJhth>I|aJo(hth|aJo(hth>I|aJhth,aJo(hth|aJ)"####"#6#<#>#@#B#j#v###zz$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd_Ff$$9DH$IfWD`a$gd`m$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$$9DH$Ifa$gd`m$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gdw~{#######$$$&$($w$$9DH$IfWD`a$gd`mFf$$9DH$Ifa$gd>I|$$9DH$Ifa$gd`m $d$9DG$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$$G$H$Ifa$gdw ($*$h$|$$$$$$$$$$upuFf $$9DH$IfWD`a$gd`m $d$9DG$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$?$1$IfWD^`?a$gdw$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd_ *$f$h$p$z$|$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%% %,%>%D%H%J%L%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&*&,&ٺٰٺٰـhth>HaJhthx?aJhthx?aJo(hG^JaJo(hxhG^JaJhth>I|5aJhthtaJhth,aJo(hth>I|^JaJo(hth>I|aJhth>I|aJo(hx^JaJo(hxhx^JaJ/$$$$%%"%,%@%F%H%J%L%upuFfy $$9DH$IfWD`a$gd`m $d$9DG$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$?$1$IfWD^`?a$gdw$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd_ L%%%%%%%%%&rrr$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gdw$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$$1$9DH$If^a$gd`m$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gdx?$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd_ &&,&2&4&X&b&&&&''':'D'}}}}}}$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd_$$1$9DH$Ifa$gd`mFfX$$9DH$Ifa$gd>I| $d$9DG$H$IfUDVD]^a$gdw,&0&2&4&`&b&&&'''8'D'''''''''''' ("(&(@(H(((((((((((((((((((̸̸̸̸̸̥̥¸̸̥zhth">5aJhth">aJhthP86aJo( h.aJo( h2aJo(hthtaJhth,aJo(hth aJo(hth 5aJhth aJhth 5KHaJhthtKHaJhth>HaJhth>HaJo(.D'l''''''''''''(xxxxxx$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd_$$9DH$IfWD`a$gd`mFfA$$9DH$Ifa$gd`m $d$9DG$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>H ( ("($(&(((((((((xh$$9DH$Ifa$gd>H $d$9DG$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>H$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd>I|$d$G$H$IfUDVD]^a$gd_$$9DH$IfWD`a$gd`mFf*$$9DH$Ifa$gdx? 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The credits can be replaced with credits for "practice sessions". N0f[MOeNf[MOcN VII.Dissertation and degree requirements 1.e_ _/fxvzuW{QǏ z-N_U\f[MOe]\Ovs0xvzu(WdQf[MOeKNMR _{~Ǐwvgxvz g'Yϑve.sDe$\vQ/fYee.s N,gN;N;exvzeTvSSTsr (WdkW@x Nnx[f[MOexvzv v^\Oe_bJT0_bJT^f[MOe Onc0xvzeHh0gvhNyxbg0]\ORI{sQ.0 xvzuf[MOeՋLƖSO_ 1uf[yf[b ~N~~ xvzuf[MOe__{~[^[8h TaeSۏL0Tf[y^bzf[MOe_N[8h\~[^Tc[\~bXT_{V 1u,gf[ybvsQf[y5 TN[~b nx[N T#N;Nc_8h]\O0f[MOe_ՋLN[\~ċRI{~ 6R^ Tf[yf[b ^cMR\f[MOe_ve00WpI{wQSOOo` NQlQ_0kMOxvzu(Wf[gY$N!kf[MOe_:gO $N!k_ev N_\N3*Ng $N!k_GW*gǏ cf[Yt0 UxXxvzuf[MOe_bJT[8hǏNt^\8*Ng TeS3u[T{0  = 1 \* roman i.The opening of the dissertation The opening of the dissertation is the primary link in the process of postgraduate training. Before writing the thesis, postgraduates must search for a great quantity of literature, especially the foreign literature and study the history and current situation of the main research direction. The report should discuss the key issues such as the basis of the thesis, research program, expected target and scientific research, work plan and so on. Postgraduate dissertation tries the collective opening by the discipline (College) unified organization and must be approved by the mentor s consent of the examination before proceeding. Each subject should set up a degree thesis expert assessment team (mentor and steering group members must avoid), composed of 5 experts related to the subject or disciplines to determine a person in charge of the opening of the examination work. (Degree) system, the subject (College) should announce the degree of time, place and other specific information online in advance. Each postgraduate has at least two opportunities of the opening and the duration of the thesis, and the interval between the two openings should not be less than three months. When a postgraduate fails two opportunities they are dropped. The examination of the opening of dissertation should be for one year (or at least 8 months) before the application to submit a dissertation. 2.Shf[/geN_vyxbg xvzu(Wf[g^ygdQf[/ge SN[vyxbg wQSOBl 0_lς'Yf[sQNxvzu(Wf[gShf[/gevĉ[ 0TTf[bf[MOċ[RYXTOvvsQBl0  = 2 \* roman ii.Published academic papers and obtained scientific research Postgraduates should actively write academic papers and obtain certain scientific research achievements during their studies. For details, please refer to the relevant requirements of the Jiangsu University on the Academic Articles of Academic Degrees and the Academic Degrees of Academic Degrees. 3.edQ f[MOe_{(W[^c[ N1uxvzu,gNrz[b ey 2011Hr 2shQgW 0-NVl/gS 0 \WS/gQHr>y 2004Hr 3 0-NVfNlS 0HQy---nN qQ7wS _lςYeQHr>y 2002Hr 4()!^̑ ^W 0z/gSU\S 0)Y%mNl/gQHr>y 2006Hr 5. sSKNW 0NLusNS 0 -NVRt^QHr>y 2002Hr 6. () Oi`" &OKQe" KQTy 2008Hr 7. ()Z^" wReW 0vRg 0^^'Yf[QHr>y 2002Hr 8. (9N)lb" v\W 0N_Nzz 0-NV^Q{]NQHr>y 2002Hr 9. ()S+Y?i`wmYW 0Ɖɉ`~ 0V]NlQHr>y 1998Hr 10. ()ςsgy 2006Hr 11. (e)SxTW 0-Nv 0q\NNlQHr>y 2006Hr 12. (e)y0uA~ĖW 0y0uA~Ė R`Vb_asT 0V]/gQHr>y 2005Hr 13. []_pQKQ" `yry_Wgdы 0Sje 0 NTfN^ 2001Hr 14. [e]Igfm^s^W 0 Wvދu 0-NVRt^QHr>y 1999Hr 15. H`iW 0`~Nel 0VnS/gQHr>y 2009Hr 16. []Z\/O" ebY0Z^" lyrW UOS[ы 0 Odf[i 0-NVNl'Yf[QHr>y 2010Hr 17. [f][^fW 0)Y]_ir 0 \fN>y 2002Hr 18. NgxVyW 0f[ 0 nNS'Yf[QHr>y 2006Hr 19. NgzeW 0z/gf[xvzel 0 _lς/gQHr>y 2010Hr 20. [W 0z/gf[AS 0 q\N/gQHr>y 2009Hr Wang Zhaowen. History of Chinese Art (Primeval times--- Qing Dynasty, a total of 12 volumes) Beijing Normal University Press, 2011 version Wang Shucun. History of Chinese Folk-Art. Lingnan Art Press, 2004 edition History of Chinese Calligraphy (pre-Qin --- Qing Dynasty) (a total of 7 volumes) Jiangsu Education Press, 2002 edition (British) Gombricki. History of Art Development. Tianjin People's Fine Arts Press, 2006 Edition Wang Shouzhi. History of World Modern Design. China Youth Press, 2002 Edition (American) Ian Lennox McHagg. Design with the Nature. Tianjin University Press, 2008 Edition (English)William Hogarth. The Analysis of Beauty. Guangxi Normal University Press, 2002 Edition (Danish)Jan Gail. Intercourse and Space. China Architecture and Industry Press, 2002 Edition (American)Rudolf Amnheim. Visual Thinking. Sichuan People' s Press, 1998 Edition (American)Susan Lange. Art Issues. Nanjing Press, 2006 Edition (Japanese)Kohei Sugiura. The Design within Design. Shandong People's Press, 2006 Edition (Japanese)Shigeo Fukuda. Shigeo Fukuda s Design imagination and Graphic meaning. Sichuan Fine Arts Press, 2005 Edition (British) Frank Whitford &Lin He (translator). Bauhaus. Triple Bookstore, 2001 Edition (Japanese)Kohei Sugiura. The Birth of the Shape. China Youth Press, 1999 Edition Chen Nan. Thinking and Method of Design. Hubei Fine Arts Press, 2009 Edition (American)Wilbur Schramm, William Porter, He Daoyuan(Translator), Introduction to Communication Studies. Renmin university of China Press, 2010 Edition (Ming Dynasty) Song Yingxing, Heavenly Creations, Yuelu Book Club, 2002 Edition Li Yanzu, Design Aesthetics. Tsinghua University Press, 2006 Edition Li Lixin, Research Methods of Design Art, Jiangsu Fine Arts Press, 2010 Edition Zhuge Kai, Ten Lessons of Design Art, Shandong Art Press, 2009 Edition N0;NYeNNf[/gg R Major foreign academic journals 1. Art Asia Pacific 2. Watercolor 3. Sculptural Pursuit 4. Artist s Magazine 5. Modern Painters 6. sTn04lX;u 7. e,gn0 8. Etapes 9. Graphis 10. Axis 11. Design News 12. Design Report 13. AZURE 14. MODO 15. Interior Design 16. Design Management Journal 17. Designers Digest 18. I.D. 19. Form 20. HOW 21. Communication Arts 22. Icon 23. Eye 24. Creative Review 25. 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