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Objectives and International Certification Standards Objectives: To cultivate senior engineering technical talents who master the basic principles and knowledge of civil engineering, can be engaged in the construction, design and management of civil engineering, have relatively solid and broad professional knowledge and application ability, strong innovation awareness, practical ability, good team spirit and Chinese language advantage; Taking into account the national "the Belt and Road" development strategy, the "going out" strategy and localization needs of Chinese construction enterprises, to cultivate international talents with knowledge of civil engineering, who understand Chinese culture and feel the happiness and friendliness of study in China and love China, can be a composite and applied innovation and entrepreneurial practice talent for the bridge and link of construction industry between China and the host country. Substantial equivalence of China engineering accreditation requirements with international certification standards: In 2016, China officially joined the International Engineering Education "Washington Accord", an international mutual recognition agreement for engineering education undergraduate professional certification, and has recognized the relevant standards of China's engineering education certification. The civil engineering major of Jiangsu University has passed the civil engineering professional assessment (certification) of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the certification of the China Engineering Education Professional Certification Association. Therefore, the professional training objectives, graduation requirements and curriculum system have met the China Engineering Education Certification standard of international substantial equivalence. 2. Graduate Attributes The graduate attributes adopted by the Washington Accord signatories are generic to the education of professional engineers in all engineering disciplines. For the major categories of Civil Engineering, students should master the basic theory of modern civil engineering, the basic principle of structural design and construction, the knowledge of economic management and related technologies. The 12 elements listed below categorizing what graduates should know, the skills they should demonstrate and the attitudes they should possess. (1) Engineering knowledgeApply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex Civil Engineering problems. (2) Problem analysisIdentify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex Civil Engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences. (3) Design/development of solutionsDesign solutions for complex Civil Engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health, and safety, cultural, societal and environmental considerations. (4) InvestigationConduct investigations of complex Civil Engineering problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions. (5) Modern tool usageCreate, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations. (6) The engineer and societyApply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional Civil Engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems. (7) Environment and sustainabilityUnderstand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional Civil Engineering work in the solution of complex engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts. (8) EthicsUnderstand Chinese culture, history as well as be friendly and beloved of China. Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of Civil Engineering practice. (9) Individual and teamworkFunction effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings. (10) CommunicationCommunicate effectively on complex Civil Engineering activities with the engineering community and society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions. (11) Project management and financeDemonstrate knowledge and understanding of Civil Engineering management principles and economic decision-making and apply these to one s own work as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multi-disciplinary environments. (12) Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in, independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of Civil Engineering technological change. 3. Majors Subject Category: Engineering Specialty Category: Civil Engineering Specialty Name: Civil Engineering Code: 081001 4. Training System and Course Module 1 . Curriculum system It consists of modules such as general education courses, basic courses of major subjects, professional courses, elective courses for independent research, and practice links. 60.5 credits for general education courses, including 56.5 credits for compulsory courses and 4 credits for elective courses. (2) 38.5 credits for general basic courses, including 34.5 credits for compulsory courses and 4 credits for elective courses. (3) 18 credits for professional courses, including 11 credits for compulsory courses and 7 credits for elective courses. (4) 15 credits for independent research and learning elective courses: 5 credits for classroom teaching and 10 credits for online teaching. (5) 6 credits for quality development: including community activities such as academic discussion, social practice activities, professional skills training, competitions and innovation and entrepreneurship. (6) Practice credits 38 credits: including understanding of internships, measurement internships, and engineering geology internships, various course design, international engineering management practice, civil engineering professional experiments, production internships, graduation internships and graduation design (thesis). 2%&678;EJop| 纠yiZD8.$hTOhnrCJ\hnrhnrCJ\hTOhnr5CJ\*h3bG0J)B*CJOJQJ\^JaJphhP5CJOJQJ\^JhTO5CJOJQJ\^Jo(hP5CJOJQJ\^Jo(-hnr0J)B*CJOJQJ\^JaJo(ph3hnrhv0J)B*CJOJQJ\^JaJo(ph*hnr0J)B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph-hnr0J)B*CJOJQJ\^JaJo(ph0hhnr0J)B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph 78p axH8B 0 !"& $dha$gdTOdh7$8$H$`gd9 dh7$8$H$`gdTOdh7$8$H$`gdv $7$8$H$a$gdnr$dpa$ $dpa$gdnr  " 3    . 4 A [  `adwx˿ޛhV=0h9 hP0J)B*CJOJQJ\^JaJph"h9 h5CJOJQJ\^J3h9 hTO0J)B*CJOJQJ\^JaJo(ph0hTOhv0J)B*CJOJQJ^JaJo(phhTOhTOCJ\ h9 CJ\h9 CJ\o(h9 hCJ\h9 h9 CJ\o(hnrCJ\o(hnrhnrCJ\hTOhTOCJ\o(hTOhnrCJ\hTOhnrCJ\o(xABCD'+üͶwwj[M[?hw B*OJPJo(phhB*OJPJo(phhhTOB*OJPJphhhTOB*OJphhhTO5B*OJ\phhh5B*OJ\ph *hw hCJ\hw CJ\o(hhw CJ\ hw CJ hw CJo(hw h9 CJ\hw h9 CJhw h9 CJo(hw h9 CJ\o(h9 CJ\o(hhCJ\HPprV8:<@\BDFJn`p  D0248v$ЈЈЈЈЈЈh5B*OJ\o(phhhw B*OJPJphhw B*OJPJo(phhhs8B*OJPJphhhTOB*OJphhhTO5B*OJ\phhh5B*OJ\phhhTOB*OJPJph5>TZjR ` t !!!!! 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The majority of practical courses required in the Practice Session will be completed in the above practice bases, or the practical courses will be carried out with the cooperation tutor of enterprises. Therefore, each student majoring in civil engineering will have nearly one year practice finished in school or enterprises. The schedule of cooperation training of school and enterprises is listed as follows: TermPractice in schoolPractice outside schoolName of the coursesHoursName of the coursesHoursSemester TwoPractice for BroadeningOne weekSemester ThreeSurveying PracticeTwo weeksSemester FourCourse Design for Building ArchitectureOne weekPractice of Engineering GeologyOne weekSemester FiveCourse Design for Road Surveying and DesignOne weekCourse Design for Foundation EngineeringOne weekCourse Design for Fundamentals of Concrete StructureOne weekSemester SixCourse Design for Construction and Organization of Civil EngineeringOne weekCivil Engineering InternshipFive weeksCourse Design for Subgrade and Pavement EngineeringTwo weeksCourse Design for Design of Concrete StructureTwo weeksSemester SevenCourse Design for Steel StructureOne weekCourse Design for Bridge EngineeringTwo weeksComprehensive Practice for Management of International worksOne weekCivil Engineering TestingTwo weeksSemester EightGraduation Design (Dissertation)Fourteen weeksGraduation PracticeTwo weeksTotalThirty-one weeksTotalNine weeks5. Duration and Degree The basic academic system is four years, and the flexible academic system is three to six years, Bachelor of Engineering. 6. Minimum Required Credits for Graduation The minimum graduation credit of the four-year program is 176 credits. 7. Distribution Sheet for Credits and Hours Category CreditHours or weeksCredit ratioHoursWeeksCompulsory courseRatioElective courseRatioGeneral education course60.51290/56.532.10%42.27%General basic courses38.5616/34.519.60%42.27%Professional courses18288/116.25%73.98%Independent research (Classroom Teaching)1580///158.52%Quality development6////63.41%Practice session38/403821.59%//Total17624344014079.55%2020.45% 8. Schematic of course system  EMBED Visio.Drawing.11  9. 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